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+91 82097 38454

+91 74155 09900

A.K Heights, Jhoshi Marg Jhotwara,
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

Terms and Conditions

Please studied these Terms and Conditions carefully some time recently utilizing the Diaz Herbs site worked by Diaz Herbs.

Translation and Definitions

  • Elucidation: The words of which the introductory letter is capitalized have implications characterized beneath the taking after conditions. The taking after definitions might have the same meaning in any case of whether they show up in solitary or in plural.
  • Definitions: For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions:
    1. Nation: alludes to any nation within the world.
    2. Company: alludes to DiazHerbs.
    3. Benefit: alludes to the Website.
    4. Site: alludes to DiazHerbs, available from www.diazherb.com.

Application of Terms

  • Assention to Terms: By getting to or utilizing the Benefit, you concur to be bound by these Terms. In the event that you oppose this idea with any portion of the terms, at that point you will not get to the Service.
  • End: We may end or suspend get to to our Benefit quickly, without earlier take note or obligation, for any reason at all, counting without impediment on the off chance that you breach the Terms.

Mental Property

  • Possession: The Benefit and its unique substance, highlights, and usefulness are and will stay the select property of Diaz Herbs and its licensors.
  • Copyright: All substance included on this location, such as content, design, logos, button symbols, pictures, sound clips, advanced downloads, information compilations, and program, is the property of Diaz Herbs or its substance providers and ensured by worldwide copyright laws.

Joins to Other Websites

  • Third-Party Websites: Our Benefit may contain joins to third-party web destinations or administrations that are not possessed or controlled by Diaz Herbs.
  • No Duty: Diaz Herbs has no control over, and expect no obligation for, the substance, security arrangements, or hones of any third-party web locales or services. You advance recognize and concur that Diaz Herbs might not be mindful or at risk, specifically or in a roundabout way, for any harm or misfortune caused or charged to be caused by or in association with the utilize of or dependence on any such substance, merchandise, or administrations accessible on or through any such web locales or services.

Restriction of Liability

  • No Noteworthy Harms: In no occasion should Diaz Herbs, nor its chiefs, workers, accomplices, specialists, providers, or partners, be at risk for any circuitous, coincidental, extraordinary, significant, or corrective harms, counting without impediment, misfortune of benefits, information, utilize, goodwill, or other intangible misfortunes, coming about from
    1. your get to to or utilize of or failure to get to or utilize the Benefit;
    2. any conduct or substance of any third party on the Benefit;
    3. any substance gotten from the Benefit and
    4. unauthorized get to, utilize, or modification of your transmissions or substance, whether based on guarantee, contract, tort (counting carelessness), or any other legitimate hypothesis, whether or not we have been educated of the plausibility of such harm, and indeed on the off chance that a cure set forward in this is found to have fizzled of its basic purpose.

Administering Law

  • Locale: These Terms should be represented and construed in understanding with the laws of [Nation], without respect to its strife of law provisions.

Changes to Terms

  • Alteration: We save the correct, at our sole tact, to alter or supplant these Terms at any time. If a revision is material, we are going attempt to supply at slightest 30 days take note earlier to any modern terms taking effect. What constitutes a fabric alter will be decided at our sole discretion.

Contact Us

If you have got any questions around these Terms, it would be ideal if you contact us:

Diaz Herbs

Email: info@diazherb.com
Mobile No: (+91) 82097 38454, (+91) 74155 09900

By getting to or using the Benefit, you concur to be bound by these Terms. In the event that you oppose this idea with any portion of the terms, at that point youll not get to the Benefit.